Sunday, March 8, 2015

Eugenics Article

What: Modern Eugenics (selective breeding)
Who: researchers and scientists
Where: worldwide
When: ww2 to present
Why: The Nazi's used eugenics as an excuse for genocide but new genetic and reproductive technology has led to modern eugenics which focuses on fixing faulty genes. There are two kinds of genetic engineering: negative (correction of genetic disorders and deficiencies) and positive (enhancing an individual's genetic make up). There are many ethical issues with genetic engineering.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Black History Month- George Washington Carver

Who: George Washington Carver
When: Born in 1860
Where: Missouri
What: Famous scientist that helped farmers in the South and Midwest
Why: George Washington Carver showed farmers how to make the soil more fertile, discovered two funguses, came up with over hundreds of ways to use peanuts, corn stocks, pecans, clay and sweet potatoes (used by the army in WW1), and was offered jobs by many different people such as Henry Ford and Thomas Edison. He was the son of 2 slaves and got rejected from Highland University in Kansas because he was black but later flourished in 2 other colleges. He won various awards.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Common Core Con Article

What: Common Core Critics
Who: right-wing critics, teachers' unions
Where: America
When: 2014-present
Why: Critics claim Common Core doesn't take children's uniqueness or diversity into account. Critics say that not only is Common Core lying about what it offers but it could also make American public schools worse. Obama is really pushing for the states to have Common Core and uses No Child Gets Left Behind and Race to The Top, so the states will be more inclined to use it. The states already want out.

Common Core Pro Article

What: Common Core Advocates
Who: President Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Jeb Bush, Michelle Rhee
When: 2014-present
Where: American public schools
Why: Common Core is supposed to make American kids competitive for college, jobs and the global economy. Common Core develops "21st century skills". The standards were created at state level. It's said to enhance student's independent thinking. The goal is for students to be prepared after they graduate high school.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Person of the Week

Who: Bob Dylan
What: influential American rock & roll musician
Where: America
When: 1960's
Why: Bob Dylan wrote influential songs about war and civil rights during the 1960's. He was known as a popular folk musician of the protest movement because of his politically charged lyrics. The album that established him as a protest singer and songwriter was The Times They Are A-Changin'. Later his songs became less about politics and more personal. Many compare his lyrics to literature.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Current Event: For Death Penalty

What: Six out of ten support death penalty
Who: Americans
When: 23rd October 2014
Where: America
Why: There is a shortage of lethal injection drugs resulting in drawn out executions yet over half of Americans still believe in capital punishment. The stats have only gone down by very small amounts over the past couple of years and are nowhere near their lowest. Democrats have gone down a considerable amount while the Republicans largely favor it. When given the choice between the death penalty and life in prison without parole, half of americans choose death penalty.